Comprehensive individualized care
Lesser Loss of Work Time
Learn the right way to lift and carry and return to work with better posture
Future Prevention of Work related injuries
Work Related Injuries can be devastating for the individual as well as for the company. Depending on the nature of the work you do, these can cause pain, acute injury or even severe injury. Our workman’s compensation program is designed to assist individuals who suffer from injuries related to the work they do for a living. It can be strenuous for the individual as well as the company as valuable work time is lost.
Occupational Therapy
Industrial Rehab
Body & Functional Assessments
Work Conditioning
Performance Screening
At i-Health Physical Therapy, we offer personalized care and treatment that can allow you to get back to work faster. You may be injured during work or in personal time but it is important that you are absolutely fit before you resume work. Our team will evaluate various aspects related to your body including strength and endurance that you will need to start working again without the fear of being urgent!
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